Online courses

What’s included

High-quality lessons

Each module has video lessons presented by Aimee, providing deep insight into a specific topic—whether it’s AI tips or time management. We cover numerous topics important to the course in order to give you the information and resources that you need.

Helpful resource links

For every course, we provide you with a workbook of resources, often containing lesson plans and ideas that you can incorporate directly into your lessons. Also, as part of every course, we make sure to provide you with a list of helpful online resources to continue exploring what you’ve learned.

Powerful tips & advice

Throughout the course, we’ll highlight important tips and habits so you can make note and begin to successfully integrate what you’ve learned into your classroom. We will also give you tips and tricks from fellow educators, expressing what has worked in their classroom.

Recommended memberships for you!

Explore all memberships

Monthly Membership

Monthly access to our growing library of online courses, workshops, webinars, special events, and digital products.

Annual Membership

Monthly access to our growing library of online courses, workshops, webinars, special events, and digital products.

U-Ed New Teacher Academy
Coming Soon

Online courses and resources designed to help a new teacher with their first few years in the classroom.

U-Ed Leadership Academy
Coming Soon

Online courses and resources designed to help administrators become instructional coaches, mentors, and leaders in their school.


Webinars & Workshops

