The moment that changed everything for me (Part 2)
Taking Care of Yourself: A Journey from Education to Entrepreneurship
I had actually started my entrepreneurship journey in November 2023. I tutored students with ACT Prep on the side to make some extra cash, and the students were asking for online courses to go along with the tutoring. I loved to write curriculum, so it was an easy win-win for me! I started created online test prep courses and digital resources for students, adding it as an option for a student’s test prep journey for an extra cost. I started my own test prep company—U-Prep Test Prep. It took me several months to get it all together; in fact, it wasn’t until March/April 2024 that I had the courses ready. I had one course sold in the first 2 weeks of adding that to my tutoring program; then, I had another course sold in the next two weeks. It was slow, but it was extra income on top of the in-person tutoring that I was doing. And once I created the course or lessons, they were always there for others to take, not just my tutoring students. So far, in October 2024, I have had over 10 online courses bought, over 15 mini courses purchased, and numerous digital resources purchased, too. It is a start, and it inspired me to do the same for educators like you.
Once I decided to leave my job as an administrator, I still had 5 months on the job until my contract ended. That was really difficult. I didn’t want to be there, but I was such a dedicated person that I wanted to get everything in order before I left. What I really wanted to do was to help teachers, so I would go home every day in those 5 months and work on my professional development company—U-Ed Collaborative. It brought me joy. It brought back excitement for me. I looked forward to working on my courses and resources for teachers every day. I didn’t even mind staying up late to work on these resources. When I finally opened shop in May 2024, I was beyond excited—I was filled with possibilities! If this could take off, I could do this. I could have time for my family. I could have time for myself. I could have the life that I wanted…making money, having more time, and enjoying what I did.
Then, as God would have it, he threw me a curve ball. I was diagnosed with Stage 3 cancer in June 2024. A huge shock to me. I went in for my first colonoscopy ever and came out with cancer. It put a lot of things in perspective for me. It was a good thing that I was leaving my administrator job at the end of July 2024 because I wouldn’t have been able to stay at my job with my treatment. It was an extensive treatment plan that I’m still continuing right now—a six-month treatment plan with possible surgery in 9 months of the plan. God had a plan for me. He put me on this path of entrepreneurship because he knew I would need to leave my school job permanently. He put things in motion for me to start this business to have something to bring me excitement during this hard transition.
And I have to tell you…I love having my own business. I love making resources that will help others. I love using my experience in working with teachers to bring things to life that I know teachers need and that my teacher colleagues have asked for. I still work every week day, but I work on my own terms. I’m not at school events two and three times a week like I was with my job. I’m not working on weekends six months out of the year like I was at my old job. I’m not being undervalued about my knowledge and expertise. I am helping fellow educators be the best that they can be in the classroom. I am picking up my child every day from the school bus. I am making dinner for my family and spending more time with them. I am loving what I do every day. And I know that it takes time to build a business like this, but I am blessed to have the time now to be able to do this. Truly, I feel like a different person, and for once in a long time, despite everything that I’m going through health wise, I am happy.
Once again, I needed to take care of myself. Leaving my school job and becoming an entrepreneur was a huge leap, but it was what I needed to do for me, for my family, for my future. I’m not sure exactly what the future holds, but I know that it will be a thrilling journey. I am helping students every day through my test prep company and teachers through my professional development company. I am doing what I always wanted to do. After 28 years, I have finally been able to take all of my experience and expertise and help all of the teachers and students around the world.
My point… As an educator, do what makes you happy. If you’ve been a teacher for a while and it’s not what it used to be for you, change it up—become an instructional coach for teachers, ask to teach a different course if you’ve been teaching the same courses for a while, change schools, take on a new role. If you're a beginner teacher, enjoy what you do, but don’t burn yourself out; find a happy balance between work life and personal life. The educational world needs teachers like you! However, you need to find that joy and drive to be your best at the same time. God may throw you some twists and turns, but it is all part of the journey for you to find your happiness. I can’t wait to see what is next on my journey; I hope you feel the same, too!